Coupon Carpet Cleaners
Before I say anything about the word ‘coupon’, let me explain.. Competition is good I often chat, share a pint ( Not when working of course) or an Americano Coffee with other Carpet cleaners. It’s great to have other opinions, share views etc etc I enjoy working in a competitive market place, always have done… So I am not out to slay any carpet cleaners out there, I just LOVE customers and hate hearing them let down. And this is in part where the word ‘coupon’ comes into play……
Seems at the moment there is an upsurge in Bristol Folks booking carpet cleaning off these “Coupon Deals” on the internet, you know the type where you pay up front etc etc.. WELL, from may phone calls I have received it seems many of you have booked appointments only for no one to show up. How Bl**dy annoying is that… Time off work, the golf course or the garden to wait for a cleaner that won’t be coming..
Seems these cleaners have so many bookings, the odd few ( quite a few) don’t get recorded and many of you have had to chase chase chase to get a reason for the no show or an idea of a future appointment..
Customer service ,means Boat Loads to Cleaner Carpets Bristol, I never take on more work than I can really cope with, Ok I might miss lunch, upset the Girlfriend by working on a Sunday.. BUT I WILL COME WHEN I SAY I WILL, AND CALL YOU IF I AM MORE THAN TEN MINS LATE…
Rant over I just love to treat my Customers right, as I want to be treated, we are all purchasers of a service most of us every day of our lives, it should be a good experience.. Enough said.. Enjoy the No Work On Monday thing Folks.. Till next time…..
Sean x